On April 28, 2021 the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners authorized the Chairman to sign a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the construction and oversite of Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) project management for the bike path/trail on Amelia Island Parkway from Fletcher Avenue to Via Del Rey (CM2967) in the amount $710,925.00.
On May 23, 2022, Supplemental Agreement #1 to the FDOT Agreement (CM2967-A1) was executed by the Board and FDOT and amended the total contract for construction and project to $800,781. The contract completion date of December 31, 2023, was not changed.
CM2967-A2, will add an additional $199,001 of funding from FDOT, for a total amount of $999,782.
On April 10, 2023 the Nassau County Board of Commissioners approved Supplemental Agreement #2, (C2967-A2), with the Florida Department of Transportation, and associated Budget Amendment for Phase 1 of the Amelia Island Parkway Trail, for an additional $199,001 (total agreement amount of $999,782).
On December 15, 2022, Nassau County advertised for construction bids, with four bids received. CGC, Inc. was the lowest responsive bidder at $998,747. |
The sidewalk construction will improve the safety of the sidewalk trail for citizens and reduce the costs to the Road Department’s repairs and maintenance budget. Costs for future repairs and maintenance will be a consideration in the Pavement Management plan.
Funding for the project is included in the approved Capital Improvement Plan. FDOT will reimburse for construction and CEI costs up to $999,782. |
Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3373, with CGC, Inc. for the construction of Phase 1 of the Amelia Island Parkway Trail in the amount of $998,747. |