Item Coversheet


Item Title:Resolution Authorizing Use of Tourist Development Funds for tourism marketing with Deremer Studios


On August 7, 2023, the Tourist Development Council approved Resolution 2023-135 which recommends to the Board of County Commissioners the use of Tourist Development Tax (TDT) dollars to engage several professional service providers to execute services in fiscal year 2023-2024.  The TDC Resolution finds the Strategic Plan and use of TDT funds will enhance visitor experiences, promote tourism on Amelia Island, and grow the tourism market.


For consideration of the Board of Commissioners is a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax funds to engage Deremer Studios, LLC for photography services in the amount of $42,900. 

Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for the engagement of Deremer Studios, LLC, for photography services, in an amount not to exceed $42,900.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:
The use of professional photography services at local events and community happenings along with still images will enhance the Amelia Island Convention and Visitors Bureau website to promote tourism in Nassau County.
Action Requested and Recommendation:
Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for the engagement of Deremer Studios, LLC, for photography services, in an amount not to exceed $42,900.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:
37523552-548110 CONTE

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
Email executed documents to OMB and the County Manager's Office.
How many originals are needed?

DescriptionUpload DateType
BOCC Resolution for use of Tourist Development Tax Dollars9/12/2023Cover Memo