Item Coversheet


Item Title:CM3171-CO#4 with U.S. Water Services Corporation American Beach Well and Septic Tank Replacement

On May 9, 2022 American Beach Water and Sewer District and U.S. Water Services Corporation entered into an agreement, Contract No. CM3171, for American Beach Water and Sewer District Well and Septic Tank Phase Out. 


On June 3, 2024, the American Beach Water and Sewer District approved a Cost-Share Agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District (REDI Grant).  This grant will provide cost-share funds to assist property owners within the American Beach Water and Sewer District with existing septic tank abandonment and sewer connections.  The REDI Grant will require grant administration and inspection services related to the private septic abandonments and sewer connections.


U.S. Water Service Corporation has submitted Contract No. CM3171-CO#4, for additional funding and an additional 180 days to perform the American Beach Water and Sewer District private septic abandonments and sewer connections related to the REDI Grant.

Approve and Authorize Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3171-CO#4, with U.S. Water Services Corporation, in the amount of $1,137,458.67, for the American Beach Water and Sewer District Property Septic Abandonment/Sewer Connection Project.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:
This project will be funded thru the REDI Grant Cost-Share Agreement, contributions from Nassau Amelia Utilities, and property owners within the American Beach Water and Sewer District.
Action Requested and Recommendation:
Approve and Authorize Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3171-CO#4, with U.S. Water Services Corporation, in the amount of $1,137,458.67, for the American Beach Water and Sewer District Property Septic Abandonment/Sewer Connection Project.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:

72005536-563551 REDI

72005536-563551 ABWSD

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
CM3171 CO#04
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
How many originals are needed?

DescriptionUpload DateType
CM3171-CO4 Request Form6/6/2024Cover Memo
CM3171-CO4 Approval Form6/6/2024Cover Memo