Item Coversheet


Item Title:Nassau CARES Program Update
Department:County Manager's Office

Over the past several months the Nassau CARES team has been working diligently to secure approximately $15.5 million in CARES Act funds for our community, partners and government agencies. We are proud to let the Board know that to date we have secured approximately $6.9 million and are actively executing the Nassau CARES Expenditure Plan.  


Over the last few weeks, additional guidance has come from the US Treasury and the Florida Department of Emergency Management. Based on the new guidance, Nassau County is prepared to secure an additional $8.5 million in CARES Act funds and positioned to secure additional CARES Act funds if made available. By including external auditors and legal counsel in our strategy development, we are able to minimize the risk to the County while maximizing the grant award. 


The additional funds will allow the Nassau CARES Team to fully execute the County's expenditure plan, replenish County reserves spent to fund the expenditure plan, and establish a contingency fund to offset cognizant disallowances. The expenditure plan includes allocating funds requested by our municipalities, Constitutional Offices, School District, Dept. of Health, and partner organizations to reimburse them for eligible expenditures previously submitted. 


Back up for this item includes guidance from the U.S. Treasury (see items 68-73), FDEM guidance on public safety substantially dedicated personnel, a copy of a recent presentation from FDEM, an email from the County's external auditor, a copy of the Nassau CARES Team 10/21 presentation to the BOCC, and the approved Nassau CARES Expenditure Plan and corresponding updated line item detail.  In addition, more information on U.S. Treasury on CRF funding can be found here:

Taco Pope, County Manager and David Jahosky, Government Services Group, to update the Board on Nassau CARES and seek guidance from the Board on the submission of Public Safety Costs and updated expenditure plan.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:
The request allows the County to actively pursue approximately $15.5 million in CARES Act funds that can be utilized to support community wide response to COVID-19. Securing the additional funds will allow the County, as well as our agencies/community partners, to replenish funds spent in response to COVID-19. 
Action Requested and Recommendation:

Taco Pope, County Manager and David Jahosky, Government Services Group, to update the Board on Nassau CARES.

We ask the Board to consider the following:

  • Approve the submission of Public Safety Costs to Florida Department of Emergency Management for reimbursement.
  • Affirm the Nassau CARES Expenditure Plan and amended line item detail.
  • Upon receipt of reimbursement for Public Safety Costs:
    • Continue executing the BOCC approved Nassau CARES Expenditure Plan
    • Return/Reimburse the $2.3 million taken from the Nassau County Emergency Reserves and Capital Reserves used to fund Tier 2 of the Nassau Cares Expenditure Plan.
    • Create a designated contingency of $1.5 million to offset cognizant disallowance.
    • Create a designated contingency of $150,000 for five years of post-award monitoring assistance.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
How many originals are needed?

DescriptionUpload DateType
Project Update10/16/2020Cover Memo
U.S. Treasury Guidance10/16/2020Cover Memo
FDEM Guidance10/16/2020Cover Memo
FDEM Webinar10/16/2020Cover Memo
External Auditor10/16/2020Cover Memo
Cost Categories10/16/2020Cover Memo
Original Expenditure Plan10/16/2020Cover Memo
External Counsel10/19/2020Cover Memo