Item Coversheet


Item Title:Set Special Meetings for May 2021
Department:County Manager

Staff requests the Board to set special meetings for May 2021to consider extending the local State of Emergency and to hear any additional items that may come before the Board.  By setting special meetings in advance, staff and citizens have more notice and a better ability to plan ahead for meetings.


Staff recommends special meeting dates as follows:

  • May 3 at 4:30pm
  • May 26 at 4:30pm
Set Special Meetings on May 3, 2021 and May 26, 2021 at 4:30 PM to consider extending the local State of Emergency and any additional items to come before the Board.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:
Setting special meetings in advance will allow citizens and staff the ability to be better prepared and plan work schedules around BOCC meetings.
Action Requested and Recommendation:
Set Special Meetings on May 3, 2021 and May 26, 2021 at 4:30 PM to consider extending the local State of Emergency and any additional items to come before the Board.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
How many originals are needed?