Item Coversheet


Item Title:2022 Legislative Priorities
Department:County Manager's Office

Each year, in coordination with the Nassau County Legislative Delegation, the Board of County Commissioners submit a prioritized list of requests for the Florida Legislature to consider. County Staff has worked with members of the Delegation, partner agencies, and the County’s contract lobbyist to prepare for a successful 2022 legislative session.


County staff have identified eight (8) requests for the Board of County Commissioners to consider submitting to the Florida Legislature.  The purpose of this meeting is for the BOCC to consider staff recommendations, discuss and consider any additional requests for submission and to prioritize the list of requests.

  • County Road 121 ($9,000,000)
  • American Beach Water and Sewer Project ($1,850,000)
  • SR200/A1A Widening from CR107 to Amelia Island Parkway ($1,200,000)
  • Department of Juvenile Justice SWEAT Program ($110,000)
  • Northeast Florida Public Safety Training Facility-Phase 2 ($5,950,000)
  • US Hwy 301/Crawford Road Intersection Improvements ($1,550,000)
  • Amelia Island Trail-Phase 4 ($5,119,474)
  • Tourism Expansion via Ecotourism/Water Access Improvements-Nassau River ($755,025)
Consider and prioritize 2022-2023 Legislative Priorities.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:
As these items vary, budgetary impact is yet to be determined. Residents could be positively impacted if the Florida Legislature determines funding appropriation for any of the requested projects.
Action Requested and Recommendation:
Consider and prioritize 2022-2023 Legislative Priorities.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
How many originals are needed?

DescriptionUpload DateType
Memo to BOCC11/2/2021Cover Memo