Item Coversheet


Item Title:Approve a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners approving the list of priority projects and eligible projects to be considered for acquisition through the Conservation Lands Acquisition and Management program and directing staff to contract with a third party to assist with the acquisition of conservation properties and the creation and administration of management plans for acquired properties.
Department:Strategic Advancement and Economic Resources

In July 2018, to begin the process of preserving and conserving the county's natural, historic, and working lands resources, the County Commission directed Planning Staff to develop a plan to conserve and manage conservation lands.  This plan was developed by County Staff with the assistance of the North Florida Land Trust (NFLT), a 501(c) non-profit operating in Nassau County and throughout North Florida. NFLT was retained by the county to bring their experience in the identification and acquisition of conservation resources to assist in the creation of a countywide Conservation Lands Acquisition and Management (CLAM) program.  NFLT utilized their experience in strategic conservation planning to develop for the county a plan to identify, rank, and assess conservation lands for acquisition and management.

An essential tool of the CLAM program is the CLAM Resource Ranking Map, a GIS (Geographic Information Systems)-based plan developed to create, analyze, and manipulate geographic information, known as data layers. These data layers are maps of resources which can be displayed as they overlap and interact, and where different statistical and analytical processes can be applied to better understand a landscape filled with multiple interacting resources.  Nineteen different data layers were selected for consideration, representing different potential conservation resources.  The different data layers all relate to one of the four most common considerations for acquiring conservation land: Water Issues, Habitat and Species Protections, Working Lands, Outdoor Recreation and Quality of Life.  This map is used to analyze properties being considered for acquisition.

The CLAM was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 25, 2021.  The CLAM Committee was appointed in May 2021 and held their first meeting in July 2021.  The nomination period to accept nomination of properties to be considered for acquisition through the CLAM program ran from July 24, 2021 through January 31, 2022.  During this time, over 750 property nominations were received.

Staff reviewed the nominations and presented project recommendations to the CLAM Committee on May 19, 2022.  Over the next three months, the CLAM Committee reviewed, discussed, and ranked staff recommendations.  On August 25, 2022, the Committee finalized the ranking and made a recommendation to approve the top 25 projects out of 750 nominations. The Committee directed staff to forward the recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of approval.

Approve a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners approving the list of priority  projects and eligible projects to be considered for acquisition through the Conservation Lands Acquisition and Management program and directing staff to contract with a third party to assist with the acquisition of conservation properties and the creation and administration of management plans for acquired properties.
Financial/Economic Impact to Future Years Budgeting Process or Effect on Citizens:

The CLAM program is a long-term program that will require various funding mechanisms to protect environmentally sensitive lands for conservation, preservation, and the provision of recreational opportunities for present and future generations.

Action Requested and Recommendation:
Approve a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners approving the list of priority  projects and eligible projects to be considered for acquisition through the Conservation Lands Acquisition and Management program and directing staff to contract with a third party to assist with the acquisition of conservation properties and the creation and administration of management plans for acquired properties.
Is this action consistent with the Nassau County Comprehensive Land Use Plan?
Funding Source:
Multiple funding sources - to be determined.

Additional Information Needed for Contracts/Agreements (If Applicable)
Contract Number assigned by Contracts Management:
For non-governmental agencies, has the document been sent to the vendor for signature?
Does the document need to be recorded? If so, who will pay the recordation fee?
Are there any special mailing instructions? (Include contact name, address, deadline for submittal, how to mail such as express mail, FedEx, etc):
How many originals are needed?

DescriptionUpload DateType
Resolution8/30/2022Cover Memo
Resolution Exhibit A8/29/2022Cover Memo
Resolution Exhibit B8/29/2022Cover Memo