6:00 PM, September 25, 2023
James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place
Yulee, FL 32097

PUBLIC COMMENT – AGENDA ITEMS. Except for Quasi-Judicial items, any member of the public can address any item on the agenda now or wait until the matter is addressed. Time limit is three (3) minutes.
CONSENT ITEMS – If any board member wishes to move a Consent Item to New Business, please do so now. Does any member of the public want to speak on a Consent Item?
A.Approve and authorize Finance Package 2023-17
B.Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the FY 2023-2024 Insurance Renewal Certification.
C.Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM2685-WA44 with S2L, Incorporated, for Semi-Annual Water Quality Monitoring Services in the amount of $56,996.94.
D.Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Letter of Intent to Kenworth of Jacksonville to reserve for future fiscal year 2024, the option to purchase a 2024 Kenworth T880 Roll-Off Truck.

Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3493 with North Florida Lawn Maintenance, Inc., for Amelia Island, Amelia Island Parkway and High Pedestrian Mowing Services, and Amelia Concourse Landscape Maintenance Mowing Services, in an amount not to exceed $683,000.

F.Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the State Aid Grant Application for 2023-2024, Certification of Hours, Certification of Credential Form, and State Aid to Libraries Grant Agreement.
G.Approve the Evaluation Committee's Ranking and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3417, with Halff Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $500,000, to execute Part 1-Vision Plan Creation, in response to RFP NC23-028 Professional Assistance to Create Vision Plan & Provide Comprehensive Plan Revision Services
H.Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Professional Services Contract with Bright Minds Youth Development, Inc. (CM3506)
I.Consider the following: 1) Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for marketing plan services with Cellet Travel Services, LTD; 2) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3324-A2 with Cellet Travel Services , LTD for marketing plan services in the amount of $250,000.
J.Consider the following: 1) Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for graphic design services with My Agency Savannah, LLC; 2) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3327-A1 with My Agency Savannah, LLC for graphic design services in the amount of $43,600.
K.Consider the following: 1) Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for website services with Ellen's Marketplace; 2) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3267-A1 with Ellen's Marketplace for website and distribution services in the amount of $35,000.
L.Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for the engagement of Deremer Studios, LLC, for photography services, in an amount not to exceed $42,900.
M.Consider the following: 1) Approve a Resolution authorizing the use of Tourist Development Tax dollars for integrated computer management system services with Starmark International, Inc.; 2) Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM3310-A1 with Starmark International, Inc. for integrated computer management system services in the amount of $583,675.
N.Approve request from Hilliard Middle Senior High to hold a parade on October 20, 2023 from approximately 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on County Road 108 between Oxford and Ohio Street.
O.Tax Collector's Business - Consider request for a $603,786 advance of Tax Collector commissions, to be earned during collection of the 2023 tax roll, as required by F.S. 192.102, and to be repaid to the Board of County Commissioners in December 2023. 
P.Clerk of Courts Business: Accept into the record by the Board the various warrants/wires and disbursements.
NEW BUSINESS - Any member of the public may address any item under New Business at this time. Time limit is three (3) minutes each. Is there anyone who wishes to address any item under New Business?

Authorize Chairman to sign Financial Action Forms for Use of Impact Fees for Law Enforcement vehicle purchases, Tributary Community Park Development, Nassau Crossing Community Park Development, West Side Regional Park Development, and the Civic Complex.

R.Consider amending Article 18 of the Nassau County Codes and Ordinances; specifically Section 18-10, Golf Carts, to revise age requirements for drivers, and provide additional clarity on petitioning requirements. Ordinance Revision 2008-17 - Golf Cart Ordinance.
S.Approve an Interlocal Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and the City of Fernandina Beach for Reimbursement for Beach and Beach Park Restroom Cleaning.
T.Approve and Authorize Chairman to sign Interlocal Agreement between the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners, Property Appraiser, and Tax Collector for Use of Property Tax Collections to Fund Tangible Personal Property Verification Services.
U.Appoint a member of the Board of County Commissioners, or their designee, to serve as the Nassau County representative on the 4th Judicial Circuit Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board.
LEGISLATIVE PUBLIC HEARINGS – The following matters under consideration are legislative matters, and the Non-Quasi-Judicial Procedures will be utilized for the following: County Attorney to read the procedures.

Final public hearing to consider adoption of the FY 2023-2024 millage rates and budget;  approve a Resolution adopting the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY 2023/2024 through 2028/2029, as amended; approve Budget Transfers allocating cash carried forward from FY 2022-2023 into the FY 2023-2024 operating budget; and approve updating the Financial Policies, specifically Section VII-Fixed Asset Capitalization Policy. 

W.Consider an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, Amending Chapter 1-Administration. At Article I.-In General. to revise Section 1-15. Investment of Surplus Public Funds to conform with Section 218.418, Florida Statutes, Local Government Investment Policies; Providing for adoption of an Investment Policy by Resolution and in Conformance with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes; Further providing for codification; Conflicting Provisions; Providing for Severability Clause and an Effective Date.
X.Consider an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, Amending Chapter 1-Administrations. at Article VII.-Purchasing Policy. In order to amend the Purchasing Policy definitions; the Purchasing Categories; the Purchase Order requirements; the Competitive and Alternative Purchasing Methods including Exemptions; the provisions relating to Contracts, Change Orders, Task Orders, Work Authorizations, and Amendments; Local Vendor preference; use of Design-Build for County projects; and to provide entirely new subsections entitle Procurement Code of Ethics and Protest Procedures; in addition providing for Codification; Conflicting provisions; providing for Severability Clause and an effective date.
Y.Approve a Resolution updating the Purchasing Policy Signature Authorities for the Board of County Commissioners.
Z.Consider adoption of CPA23-001, an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, amending the 2030 Nassau County Comprehensive Plan; amending the goals, objectives, and policies of the Future Land Use Element; adding Future Land Use Element policy FL.01.03.1; amending the goals, objectives, and policies of the Housing Element; adding Housing Element policy H.01.05; establishing the Nassau County Tiny Home Development Program; providing for applicability and effect; providing for severability; providing for filing; and providing an effective date. 
AA.Consider LDC23-001, an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, amending Article 28 Supplementary Regulations, of the Nassau County Land Development Code to add Section 28.24, Tiny Home Development Program: Specifically providing purpose; definitions; eligibility and location requirements; rental requirements; design and review standards; ancillary support uses and structures; reporting, monitoring, and penalty; and prohibitions; amending Article 32 of the Nassau County Land Development Code to add a definition for Recreational Vehicle Park or Travel Trailer Park; providing for codification; providing for conflicting provisions; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
AB.Consider ORD23-001, an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, Amending Chapter 34 Comprehensive Impact Fee Ordinance, Nassau County Code of Ordinances, Amending Section 34-83 providing an impact fee exemption for Redevelopment Tiny Home Developments; providing for codification; providing for conflicting provisions; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. 
AC.Consider ORD23-002, an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida, Amending Chapter 36 Mobility Fees, Nassau County Code of Ordinances, Amending Section 36-31 providing an exemption for redevelopment tiny home developments; providing for codification; providing for conflicting provisions; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. 
AD.Consider LDC23-005, an ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Nassau County, Florida amending the Land Development Code, Article 22, Open Rural (OR) zoning district, Article 28, Supplementary regulations,  Article 31, Required off-street parking and off-street loading, Article 32, Definitions, and adding Article 46, Agritourism; specifically adding development standards to minimize off-site impacts associated with agritourism uses permitted on agricultural lands; adding on-site and off-site consumption of alcohol associated with a properly permitted winery as a conditional use in the open rural zoning district; providing for findings; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
PUBLIC COMMENT FOR NON-AGENDA ITEMS. Comments can only be for items under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners. Time limit is three (3) minutes.
COUNTY MANAGER’S BUSINESS – Any business to come before the Board.
COUNTY ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – Any business to come before the Board.
COUNTY COMMISSION ITEMS – Any business to come before the Board.
AE.Informational Only: Public Meeting announcement for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, being held on October 10, 2023, from 3:00pm-7:00pm, at the Amelia Island Museum of History.

In accordance with Florida Statute 286.0105: "If any person decides to appeal any decision made of this Board or Committee with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based."


In accordance with American with Disabilities Act, persons needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in the proceeding should contact the County Manager's Office at, 96135 Nassau Place, Suite 1, Yulee, FL 32097, Phone No. (904) 530-6010, not later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the proceeding. If you are hearing impaired or voice impaired, please call the Florida Relay Service at 711 or toll free at 1-800-955-8771 (TTY).