9:00 AM, May 16, 2018
James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place
Yulee, FL 32097

AUDIENCE INPUT – NON-AGENDA ITEMS. This is for public comment for items not on the agenda. Comments can only be for items under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners. Time limit is three (3) minutes
AUDIENCE INPUT – AGENDA ITEMS. Except for Quasi Judicial items, any member of the public can address any item on the agenda now or wait until the matter is addressed. Time limit is three (3) minutes

Special Meeting at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as matter may be heard following the Regular Meeting re: Discussion of FY 18/19 Budget.  

B.Approve a Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners proclaiming May 27 and May 28, 2018 as "Fill the Boot Days" in Nassau County, Florida.
PRESENTATIONS – Time limit is fifteen (15) minutes
C.Wanda Forrest, Transportation Planning Manager for the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization re: Transportation Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2018/2019 through 2022/2023.
D.Dawn Bostwick, Library Director re: update on library activities and programs.
CONSENT ITEMS – If any board member wishes to move a Consent Item to New Business, please do so now. Does any member of the public want to speak on a Consent Item?
E.Consider a Resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement between the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Fernandina Beach for completion of an Affordable Housing Assessment; and authorize the Chairman to sign Contract No. CM2555. Funding Source: 01541554-531000.

Consider a Resolution of the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners Approving the Submittal of One Division of Historical Resources Small Matching Grant Application to the Florida Department of State to Complete a Historic Resources Survey and Authorizing the County Manager to Enter into a Grant Agreement


Authorize the County Manager and appropriate staff to move forward with acquiring the right-of-way (ROW) necessary for the extension of William Burgess Blvd from US Hwy 17 to Miner Road. 

OLD BUSINESS - Any member of the public may address any item under Old Business (3 minutes each). Is there anyone who wishes to address any item under Old Business?
H.Consider request from Dayspring Health, LLC, for incentive grant payment totaling $6,246.25 for year one investment related to the Economic Development Grant Incentive Agreement, Contract No. CM2228. The Economic Development Board recommends denial.
I.Discussion of the Stewardship District and House Bill 1075.
NEW BUSINESS - Any member of the public may address any item under New Business (3 minutes each). Is there anyone who wishes to address any item under New Business?
J.Discuss whether or not to apply for tax deed certificate on two parcels identified by the Planning and Economic Opportunity Department to be beneficial to own.
COUNTY MANAGER’S BUSINESS – Any business to come before the Board.
COUNTY ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS – Any business to come before the Board.
K.Approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement between Nassau County and Nassau Habitat for Humanity, Inc., Contract No. CM2413-A1, for an extension to September 30, 2019 for the completion of construction on Parcel No. 00-00-31-1800-0062-0012.
L.Consideration of setting for public hearing a Rescission of  Ordinance No. 2000-26, known as the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code, and Adoption of an Ordinance establishing a current standard unsafe building abatement code pursuant to the standards set forth in the current Florida Building Code.
COUNTY COMMISSION ITEMS – Any business to come before the Board.
M.Monthly status update on Building Department and Code Enforcement activities.
N.Monthly status update on County Extension activities.

Monthly status update on Facilities Maintenance and Parks & Recreation activities.

P.Monthly status update on Fire/Rescue activities.
Q.Monthly status update on Public Works activities.
R.Monthly status update on Road & Bridge activities.
S.Informational only: monthly status update on all contract amendments, change orders, task orders, and work authorizations approved by the County Manager.
Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate in this program or activity should contact (904) 548-4660 or the Florida Relay Service at (800) 955-8770(v) or (800) 955-8771 (TDD) at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance to request such accommodations.